Weekly Updates 18 July 2024
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Dear Friends,

I look forward to worshipping with you all on Sunday and engaging with communion in the lead-up to the Welcome to Communion service the following week. Please scroll down for more.

Rev'd Stuart Fenner                                                                                                                                                       
  • WELCOME TO COMMUNION: Please pray for Daniel, Owen, Isla and Namitha  who are preparing for their first communion. They are doing preparation classes on Friday afternoons and will be welcomed to Commnion at our morning service on Sunday July 28. This will be a very special occasion so mark it in your diaries now.                                                                                     
  • ASCENSION GENEROSITY AND COMMITMENT: Peregrin has produced an infographic-style flyer which breaks down the costs of running Friday's Connection Cafe and shows just how much our parish community provides to support this service. Thank you to Peregrin, the volunteers and all who donate or contribute. It's well worth reading here: https://bit.ly/3WqUlX7                                                                                                                
  • JULY MESSENGER (Anglican Diocese of Perth Magazine): https://bit.ly/461Y3cR                         

COMING UP          
  • WELCOME TO HOLY COMMUNION: Sunday 28th July                                


In this section, you'll find a link to our website where you can view photos and reviews of recent events in our parish including:                                                 IMPORTANT INFO                                                                                  
  • GIDGEGANNUP COMMUNITY CHURCH.  Hosts an Anglican service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9.30 AM. 12 Old Toodyay Rd.                             
  • CONTAINERS FOR CHANGE. Don't forget you can recycle your drink bottles at Containers For Change and earn money for the parish. Fairbairn Gardens Bellevue or 25 Stanhope Gardens Midvale. Quote the parish ID: Ascension Anglican Church C10449595                                                                                    
  • YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT for our parish is always appreciated. To make a one-off donation or set up regular giving please use these details or QR Code to pay by Stripe

                  Anglican Parish of Midland
                  BSB 706 001 
                  Account No. 30003655
                  THANK YOU!


  • ASCENSION CONNECTION            FRI 10am
  • MORNING PRAYER                         SUN 7am
  • EUCHARIST PENTECOST 9            SUN 9.30am
  • MORNING PRAYER           TUES-THURS 9.30am
  • MEDITATION                                     TUE 12.30pm
  • CRAFT GROUP                                 TUE 1 pm
  • MIDWEEK EUCHARIST                    WED 12.30PM
  • READINGS GROUP                          WED 2pm
  • ZOOM MEDITATION                          WED 5pm


8 Spring Park Road Midland ph: 08 9274 1464. www.midanglican.org. admin@midanglican.org

Parish Priest: Rev'd Stuart Fenner. Mob: 0407 992 397. stuart.fenner@midanglican.org

Assistant Curate: Rev'd Peregrin Campbell-Osgood. Mob: 0422 857 522. revdperegrin@gmail.com


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Church of the Ascension · 8 Spring Park Rd · MIDLAND, WA 6056 · Australia